Sunday, January 10, 2010


vencer - to defeat, to beat
jinete - horseman
grieta - crack/crevice
red - net (internet)
tela - fabric
crepusculo - twilight
madrugada - dawn
sendero - trail/path
malla - mesh
aspa - arms of a windmill
apresuarse - to hurry oneself
demorarse - to delay oneself
legero - light
lejano - distant
naufragio - shipwreck
tropiezo - trip/stumble
escaso - limited/short
epoca - time/period
dar coces - to kick
las sinsabores - troubles, unpleasant experiences
ajeno - strange
manso - docil
porqueria - garbage, filth
alentar - to encourage/to recover
estorbar - to bother/obstacle
estemecerse - to shake/shudder
yacer - to lie down
entregar - to deliver/hand over
ansiar - to desire
ataviarse - to dress up
lecho - bed
descalzo - barefoot
replique - chop/cut/peal/ringing
venganza - revenge
aguantar - to bear/to hold
llanto - crying
varonil - masculine/manly
bobo - stupid/daft/naive/simple
sosegado - calm/quiet
hedor - stink/stench
entierro - funeral/burial
pantano - marsh/swamp
cifra - code/figure/number
ciguena - stork/crane
cigarra - cicada
forastero - stranger
rostro - face
azotar - to whip/beat/smack
tozudo - stubborn
encaje - lace
manada - herd/pack/flock/pride/crowd/mob
casualidad - coincidence
azar - chance/fate
mezquino - mean/poor/petty
menesteroso - needy/poor
de buena gana - happy
aguardar - to wait/expect/await
cumplir - to fulfill
acariciar - to caress
fregar - to bother/pester; to wash/clean
no me friegues - Dont bother me

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